Best 30+ Krishna Wallpaper » Mixing Images

Best 30+ Krishna Wallpaper

Hello friends, welcome to your website Mixing Images. Friends, today’s post is going to be very special because today we have brought for you – Krishna Wallpaper, Story Of Lord Krishna, Lord Krishna Wallpaper, Krishna Images.


Best 30+ Krishna Wallpaper


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Story Of Lord Krishna


Krishna Wallpaper – Many of you must have seen the whole story from the birth of Lord Shri Krishna to his death i.e. the whole events in your grandfather or TV channels. But there will be some such people among you, who do not know about Lord Shri Krishna and now you want to get complete information about him, then this article of ours is going to be very important for all of you.

There are many such books describing the pastimes of Lord Shri Krishna, but to listen to the information written in those books, you will have to go to some Kavi Sammelan or the satsang of Mahatmas. But if you want to know about the whole story from birth to death of Lord Shri Krishna without going to any satsang, then definitely read this article difference.


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Today, in this article to all of you, who is Lord Shri Krishna? Birth of Lord Shri Krishna, some special pastimes performed by Lord Shri Krishna in his childhood, how did Lord Shri Krishna kill Kansa? From where did Lord Shri Krishna get his education initiation? Where did Lord Shri Krishna get married? Lord Krishna’s contribution in Kurukshetra, how did Lord Krishna die? You will get to know complete information about etc.


Birth of Lord Shri Krishna


Krishna Wallpaper – Lord Shri Krishna’s war took place in very ancient times, his birth is believed to be in Treta Yuga. Lord Shri Krishna was born in the middle of Dwaparayuga and Shvetayuga. Lord Shri Krishna was born in the prison of his maternal uncle Kansa. Mother Devaki, the birth mother of Lord Shri Krishna, gave birth to Lord Shri Krishna in prison. Lord Krishna’s mother Devaki was the sister of Kansa and Devaki was married to Vasudev.

Kansa loved his sister Devaki very much, but more than that he loved his life, so Kansa was going to leave his sister Devaki on his chariot to her in-laws house, that’s when a prophecy happened, That “Kans Devaki’s eighth child will be the cause of your slaughter”. On hearing this prediction, Kansa decides after a lot of discussion with Devaki and Vasudev that he will keep Devaki and Vasudev locked in prison.

To keep Devaki and Vasudev in prison, he goes to his kingdom Mathura and puts Mata Devaki and Vasudev in prison. Mother Devaki’s first child was born when Kansa reached there. After reaching Kansa, Mother Devaki said to Kansa that my eighth child will kill you or else you leave my other children first, I will give the eighth child to you myself.

But Kansa did not agree to this and said that one of your eight sons will kill me, not the eighth child, Kansa said this because he was very scared of the prophecy and that is why in his childhood all the sons of Mata Devaki were killed. Used to kill Gradually, Kansa sacrificed his sons along with mother Devaki.

After this, Mother Devaki gave birth to her eighth child, Lord Krishna. At the time of birth, Lord Shri Krishna appeared before his father Vasudev and asked him to leave Vrindavan and bring back the baby girl of Mother Yashoda. Therefore, after listening to Lord Shri Krishna’s words, Vasudev took Lord Shri Krishna to Vrindavan after crossing the raging storm of Jamuna river, put Lord Shri Krishna to sleep near Mother Yashoda and returned to Mathura with the daughter of Mother Yashoda. come back

That night Lord Shri Krishna had put Kansa to a deep sleep with his leela and Kansa slept so deeply that he did not know any sentence of any activity that took place in the prison. When Vasudev returned from Vrindavan, when Kansa was told by his soldiers, Kansa wanted to kill that girl thinking that she was the last and eighth child of Dev’s mother, but as soon as he picked up this eighth child to throw it on Sheela, the girl died. took the form of a goddess.

When the girl took the form of a goddess, Kansa said, “O Kansa! Your time has reached Gokul and he will kill you very soon and will free Mathura from this terror of yours”. On hearing this, Kansa Devi started sending many types of demons to kill Shri Krishna in Gokul, but Lord Shri Krishna destroyed all those ways and finally killed Kansa.


Some Special Leela Done By Lord Shri Krishna In His Childhood


Krishna Wallpaper – Lord Shri Krishna’s father Vasudev went to Gokul to save his life and put him to sleep in the cradle of mother Yashoda and reached Mathura with his daughter. As soon as Kansa did not want to hit Sheela to kill this girl, she immediately took the form of a goddess and told which one was the reason for her death.

From yesterday, he got angry on hearing this and on the day of his birth, he sends the huge demoness Putna there. As soon as she reaches there, she wants to kill Lord Shri Krishna by feeding her milk, but Lord Shri Krishna starts sucking her blood and immediately the question comes in its real form and there is a stir in the whole Gokul. Putna flies towards the sky with Lord Shri Krishna and after death falls straight from the sky to the ground, so that the entire Gokul and all the surrounding areas are shaken.

When all the people of the village and mother Yashoda and father Nanda, who follow Lord Shri Krishna, reach there, they see that Lord Shri Krishna is sitting and playing on that huge demonic form. No one wanted to go near that huge demoness, so she had died, so people climbed on top of the demoness using a ladder and brought down Lord Krishna.

Kansa made a good effort to kill Lord Shri Krishna and for this he sent many demons from time to time, but Lord Shri Krishna licked them all. Once again Kansa sent the huge bird Raj Bakasura to kill Shri Krishna, Lord Shri Krishna tore off the beak of that Bakasura and Bakasura died. After this, Kansa became even more fearful.

After all this it was not raining in the village, so everyone was worshiping Lord Indra. Meanwhile, Lord Shri Krishna advised the people that it is the nature of Lord Indra, he will definitely rain. If you people have to worship, then do it to Govardhan Parvat, because Govardhan Parvat provides food to us and our cows. Everyone liked his talk and all the people stopped worshiping Lord Indra and started worshiping Govardhan.

Due to this, Indra Dev became very angry and started wreaking havoc on that Gokul, after which there was a stir in the whole village, after which Lord Shri Krishna lifted the Govardhan mountain on the smallest finger of his hand and all Gokul residents have come down that mountain, after that Lord Shri Krishna played his flute and contained all the anger of Indradev in his flute. Indradev was surprised to see this leela of Lord Shri Krishna and also apologized to him for his deeds. For this reason, one name of Lord Shri Krishna is also Govardhan Parvat Dhari.


How Lord Krishna Killed Kansa


Krishna Wallpaper – As everyone gets the knowledge that Lord Shri Krishna killed all the Asuras sent by Kansa, Lord Shri Krishna killed the Asuras. Because of this, Kansa came to know that this strong teenage boy could be none other than the son of Devaki and Vasudev. After knowing this, he invited Lord Shri Krishna and Lord Shri Krishna’s elder brother Baldau to come to Mathura.

After this both Lord Shri Krishna and the mighty Balarama reached Mathura. Kansa sent Shiromani Chanur and Mostik to kill him on the way. Lord Shri Krishna and Balram killed them and after that they reached Mathura and killed Kansa. Kansa had also kept his father Ugrasen captive, so after killing Kansa, Lord Shri Krishna made his father i.e. his maternal grandfather Ugrasen the king of Mathura.


How Did Lord Shri Krishna Get His Education Initiation


Krishna Wallpaper – Kansa started trying to kill Lord Shri Krishna with his conspiracy in his adolescence and Kansa failed in his conspiracy. After this, Lord Shri Krishna killed Kansa and his exile ended here. After this, his father sent Lord Shri Krishna and his elder brother Balram to Sandipani Ashram in Ujjain to receive education.

From this ashram of Ujjain, both Lord Shri Krishna and Balram got the knowledge of scriptures along with weapons. It was in this ashram that Lord Krishna met Sudama and he also became a very good friend of his.


Immortal Love Story Of Lord Shri Krishna


Krishna Wallpaper – Lord Shri Krishna loved Goddess Radha born in Barsana since his birth. Lord Shri Krishna always used to trouble Goddess Radha since his childhood and used to irritate her with his mischievous forms. Radha also liked this mischievous form of Lord Shri Krishna very much and gradually Goddess Radha also started loving Lord Shri Krishna very deeply. Later Lord Shri Krishna and Radha got separated from each other.

According to many scriptures, when Lord Shri Krishna separated from Radha, he said, “The meaning of love is not that we marry each other, but what is the meaning of love, that one person’s heart is with another person.” connection” that still exists between Lord Shri Krishna and Goddess Radha. Since then the description of the love of Lord Shri Krishna and Goddess Radha is famous all over the world and more people prefer to say Radhe Krishna than Rukmani, the wife of Lord Shri Krishna.


Where Did The Rukmani Marriage Of Lord Shri Krishna Take Place?


Krishna Wallpaper – After killing Kansa, Lord Shri Krishna went to Dwarka and there Lord Shri Krishna built his grand palace. Lord Shri Krishna married Rukmani in this Dwarka only. In the Dwapar era, a very famous place was known as Kundanpur. The king of Kundanpur was Bhishmak. The king of Kundanpur had 5 sons, Rukmi, Kukkamarat, Rukmesh, Rukambahu, Rukmali and his most beautiful daughter Rukmani.

Princess Rukmani had dedicated herself to Lord Shri Krishna and she also loved Lord Shri Krishna. Rukmani’s father had made her dispute with King Shishupala Setan of Chanderi. After this Rukmani sent her message to Lord Krishna through the hands of an old Brahmin. Lord Shri Krishna left for Kundanpur as soon as he read Rukmani’s message.

Lord Shri Krishna kidnapped Rukmani as soon as he reached there and abducted her and took her to Dwarka. As soon as Shishupala came to know, he started following Lord Shri Krishna and Shishupala also reached there. Shishupala wanted to kill Lord Shri Krishna but Shri Krishna’s elder brother Balram and his army finished off Shishupala and his entire army.

After this, Lord Shri Krishna married Rukmani in the city of Dwarka and Pradum was born from Rukmani’s womb. Pradum was the incarnation of Kamadeva. The most important place and Rukmani Katha in Lord Shri Krishna’s patrani.


How Did Lord Krishna Die


Krishna Wallpaper – As we all know, Lord Shri Krishna had chosen Dwarka as his abode, for this he sacrificed his life in the Prabhas Kshetra located near Somnath. Four prominent persons who did not participate in Lord Shri Krishna ji Prabhas’s Yadav war from which he survived were Lord Shri Krishna, Balarama, Daruk Sarathi and Vabhru. Balram became sad for not participating in this war and went towards the sea, so after going towards the sea, no one knew his whereabouts.

Lord Shri Krishna was very sad and went back to Dwarka, after which he sent Daruk to his dear friend Arjuna in Hastinapur. Lord Shri Krishna, distraught with grief, goes to a dense forest and lies down at one place, worried.

Only then a fowler named Jara shoots an arrow at Lord Shri Krishna thinking it as a deer while searching for the deer and that arrow hits Lord Shri Krishna’s toe and there Lord Shri Krishna leaves this world. It is also said that Lord Krishna must have been more than 100 years old at the time of his death. This is where the Dwapar Yuga ended after the death of Lord Shri Krishna and the Kalyug started from then on.


Final Word

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