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Best 555+ Black Profile Picture ( WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr )

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Careless Grasshopper


There lived a grasshopper in the forest. He was very careless. One day he was jumping on the grass. At the same time, he saw a group of ants. The ants were busy storing food inside their pit. The grasshopper goes to them and makes fun of them and says to them,

“You guys are working unnecessarily. “Learn to live free like me.” The ants ignored the grasshopper’s words and considered it necessary to do their work. After some time, he left from there. After a few days, the rainy season started. The grasshopper again came close to the ants while jumping in search of food.

The ants were comfortably enjoying food inside their house, but the grasshopper was troubled by the rain. Then an ant asked him to come inside his house. The grasshopper, feeling very embarrassed, reached the ants’ house to seek shelter. Then the ant reminded him of his carelessness and said, “Those who waste their time unnecessarily cannot escape their bad circumstances” and the story ends with this lesson of the ant.


Frog And Bird


A frog lived on the bank of a pond. He had no friends, so he spent most of his time by the pond. One day he was wandering outside the pond, suddenly a bird came and sat near him and started asking him,

“Why are you roaming outside the pond?” Don’t you like it in the pond?” The frog replied with disappointment, “I don’t have any friends, so I don’t like living in the pond.” The bird said to the frog, “Will you be my friend?” The frog made friends with the bird without thinking.

The bird said to the frog, “I will make you fly in the sky like me.” On hearing this, the frog became happy. He felt that, “He too would start flying in the air like a bird and at the bird’s words, he climbed a tree. The bird was innocent. He asked the frog to jump from the tree, thinking it was a bird like himself and the next moment, the frog fell under the tree and got injured.

As soon as the frog fell, the bird got scared and ran away from there. He slowly crawled and reached inside the pond. The frog was very sad because of his foolishness. He had understood the consequences of acting out of emotion and without recognizing one’s circumstances, and with this, the story ends.




A physically unhealthy organism is called sick. Illness is a curse. Which has a negative effect on the sick person. One such story is of a farmer’s son. Whose name was Dushyant. Since childhood, he had seen his father struggling in farming, hence, his dream was to become an officer in the Agriculture Department and bring positive changes in the lives of farmers. Dushyant was very smart in studies.

As soon as he finished his studies, Dushyant started applying for jobs related to the Agriculture Department and as a result, within a few months, Dushyant got appointed to the post of Agriculture Officer under his rural area as per his wish. Dushyant was very happy after getting the job. He felt as if all his wishes in life had been fulfilled. Now he wanted to offer his services for the benefit of the farmers and in this connection, he started visiting many villages. Going to different places, he motivated the farmers to sow good quality crops and asked them to use minimum pesticides in the fields.

Farmers also started getting inspired by Dushyant’s words. As a few months passed, Dushyant’s hard work started showing results. Crops started blooming in the fields. Seeing the flourishing crops of the farmers, Dushyant became very happy. He began to feel that he had made good use of his studies and was becoming a medium to positively change the lives of farmers. One day Dushyant was wandering in a field. At that very moment, suddenly, he starts vomiting blood.

He gets scared after seeing blood. He immediately reaches the doctor. The doctor examines Dushyant’s body and reveals that he has cancer. When asked about the cause of the cancer, he learns that he has developed cancer due to eating grains produced by the use of harmful pesticides for many years. As soon as he comes to know about the disease, Dushyant’s world gets ruined. His morale was badly broken. His dreams were shattered.

After a physical examination, doctors told him that “he would only have a few years to live” because the cancer was spreading throughout his body. The doctors stressed their point and said, “You should leave your job and take rest at home so that you can live longer.” Dushyant, as per the advice of doctors, leaves his job and takes rest in his home. When Dushyant falls ill, his father feels the most sad.

Dushyant was his only support in his old age, but now he had to support his son. He knocked on the doors of many doctors to cure Dushyant, but Dushyant’s disease had reached its last stage and now even science had given up. Dushyant had completely given up hope of living. Most of the time, he would sit sad in his house. Dushyant’s father, while explaining to him, said,

“You should go out somewhere.” For how long will you remain sitting depressed at home? If you roam around a little, your mind will change.” Following his father’s advice, Dushyant went to a deserted mountain and started sitting daily. One day Dushyant reached the top of the hill early in the morning.

There he saw a hawk hitting its beak on a stone. Dushyant kept staring at the eagle for a long time. The hawk was plucking out its feathers, one by one. This action of the hawk seemed quite strange to Dushyant. He started thinking, “How can a bird harm itself?” Seeing the eagle in bad condition, many questions were arising in his mind.

Then he saw a shepherd near the hill. Dushyant immediately reached the shepherd and started asking about the eagle. The shepherd was an elderly man. He had experience of many birds of the forest. He replied, “The falcon you are looking at is preparing for its new life.

In fact, he is now old and his body is sick, making him unfit to hunt but, by his will power, despite suffering so much, the eagle returns within a few months, with new feathers and a new beak. , then he will set out on the journey of his life.” After listening to the shepherd, a ray of confidence starts shining in Dushyant’s mind.

He decides that, “Like the hawk, he too will make a new beginning in his life.” After coming down the hill, he again sets out to complete his unfinished work. Dushyant tells his father, “As long as I am alive, I will work for the welfare of farmers through an organization.” Then, Dushyant restarted his stalled mission to protect the interests of farmers through an NGO. Dushyant had understood that, “Living a meaningful life is more important than living a long life” and with this the story ends.


Final Word

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