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Best 25+ Anime Girl Wallpaper


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Anime Movie Story


1) Spirited Away – Spirited Away movie was given the Academy Award. This movie is the story of a little girl Chihiro who accidentally gets trapped in the world of spirits and how she copes with this problem.

2) Princess Mononoke – The story of this anime movie is about the time when the relationship between humans and nature starts breaking due to science. Meanwhile, a boy named Ashitaka is put under a mysterious curse, and to remove it he must find Shishigami, a deer-like nature god. In the midst of this search, he meets a unique girl, Princess Mononoke, who brings a new turn in his life. This movie is the story of the conflict between nature and man.

In 1997, Princess Mononoke was the highest-grossing film of that year. This film also became very popular in America and Studio Ghibli got a new identity.

3) My neighbor Totoro – A little girl Satsuke and her younger sister Mei come to live with their father in an old house in the village. While playing, the sisters become friends with some funny souls who live in that old house. Especially many miracles happen due to friendship with a big bear-like magical creature named Totoro who lives near the house.

4) Castle in the Sky – An orphan girl named Sheeta has a magic crystal locket, which some pirates and Colonel Muska are trying to get. While escaping from all this, Sheeta meets an orphan boy named Pazu. Sheeta and Pazu fly through the air to discover the magical city of Laputa, only to be visited by Colonel Maska and the Air Pirates, who want to take the city’s amazing treasures.

5) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind – In the future, major destructive changes took place in the world’s ecosystem, due to which very few humans survive. There are very few habitable places in the world and most of the places have turned into poisonous forests. A young girl named Nausicaa, who lives in the Valley of the Wind, has the power to talk to the giant animals that live in the forest. The story of this movie is how Nausicaa restores peace in the ruined world with the help of Lord Yupa, an experienced warrior.

6) The Castle of Cagliostro – A cunning thief Lupine steals money from the casino but discovers that the stolen notes are counterfeit. He goes to Cagliostro to investigate this fraud. In Cagliostro he learns of a beautiful princess, Clarisse, who is being forced to marry the Count so that the Count can discover Cagliostro’s treasure. Lupine, along with his friend Fujiko and Inspector Zenigata, hatch a plan to rescue the princess.

7) Ponyo – A little goldfish princess living inside the sea wants to see the world, so she comes out of the sea. The little princess meets a little boy named Sosuke, who calls the princess Ponyo. Princess Ponyo also wants to become like humans, but her father does not want this. Ponyo tries to take a drop of the magical drink to transform, but the entire pot spills over, sending the world into chaos.

8) Porco Rosso – Porco Rosso was a great Japanese fighter plane pilot in the First World War. Due to a curse, Porco Rosso’s face becomes that of a pig but he still has the talent of flying. Porco Rosso protects people from air robbers. There is a showdown between an American gangster and Porco Rosso, in which Porco is assisted by his old friend Madam Gina and a sharp mechanic girl, Fio Piccolo.

9) The Wind Rises – This anime movie is inspired by the biography of Japan’s great aerial engineer Jiro Horikoshi. Jiro Horikoshi was very fond of airplanes since childhood. Born in a village, how he fulfills his dream of designing airplanes and designs the legendary A6M fighter plane which was of great use to Japan in the Second World War.

10) Howl’s Moving Castle – Howl is a magician who lives in a moving iron castle. A girl named Sophie runs a hat making shop. His simple life goes haywire after he befriends Howl, a magician. An evil witch, the Witch of Waste, casts a spell on Sophie, turning her into an old woman and Howl is unable to recognize her. Let’s see how Howl fights the Witch of the West with the help of his magic and brings back Sophie’s lost beauty.

11) Kiki’s Delivery service – The story of this anime movie is about a 13 year old girl Kiki who lives in the village with her father and witch mother. According to the village ritual, when she turns 13, she will have to complete her witch training by living alone for one year in a city away from the village. Kiki takes her talking cat Jiji to an unknown city and starts working as a flying courier service. Further events occur that cause Kiki to lose confidence in her powers, while she is faced with a situation in which she will have to regain her lost confidence to win.


Final Word

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