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Bhabhi Quotes in English


By the way, only the wife of the elder brother is called sister-in-law. But we all are part of a very big society and we consider each other as brothers and sisters, that’s why friend’s wife, neighbor’s wife, cousin’s wife are also called sister-in-law.

The relation of brother-in-law and sister-in-law is considered very sacred. In Hindu society, the wife of the elder brother is given the status of mother. And it is not limited only to brother-in-law, but sister-in-law and sister-in-law also have a unique relationship. Many sister-in-law consider sister-in-law as their friend and share all their things with her.


May your name be on the path of success
May your destination be at the limit of the sky, sister-in-law
Happiness and success so much
Where is your sister-in-law


wish you be happy always
always be cool with brother
remember no matter what
This brother-in-law will be present at the same time


Brother’s good deeds were that sister-in-law you
the kind of wife he got


keep your eyes down
sister in law i am your


There was something in you sister-in-law,
That’s why brother slipped on you.


Only the lucky ones get a sister in law like you.
Those who get it, their luck blossoms


had heard of slipping in the rain
but sister in law someone slips on you
He has seen it for the first time.


Sister-in-law like you who brings happiness
We are lucky that you came to our house
May this happiness decorate your life
This is the wish we brought for you on your birthday


Many friends come in life
But sister-in-law is more beautiful than you
Hasn’t found a cheerful friend till date.


May god bless you with lots of happiness
There should never be any shortage in life,
you are so cute and sweet
That should be your name sweetie.


Have a relationship of love, friendship and affinity with your sister-in-law,
because she looks for her sister in her son-in-law


Sister-in-law, you are less mother,
You are the crown of our house
If you are there then there is happiness in the house,
That’s why you are our heartbeat.


Brother does not run the house-parliament,
Sister-in-law runs the family


Lakshmi’s idol, Mamta’s face,
One in a million our sister in law who is very beautiful


Belan in the hands of the sister-in-law and match them with the brother,
Bijli Bhabhi’s mood will rise in the sky
be worse than


Sometimes who even tolerate my sweet scolding,
He is my dear sister-in-law who calls me brother


Sister-in-law, we have only blessings, there is no complaint,
Sister-in-law, that flower which has not blossomed till date,
god bless you today
May she get everything, sister-in-law who till date
No one ever got it.


Dear Nand ji, you take a relationship quickly,
come or else i will take your brother away


I wish you so much sister-in-law that life becomes successful,
May you be encouraged so much that your solution becomes difficult.


give them affection and love
because sister-in-law is only after mother


That night brother must have also lifted your veil,
Hey sister-in-law, tell me, you must have shown your strength that night.


I pray from the bottom of my heart that you stay happy sister-in-law,
Sister-in-law, no matter where you live,
Your heart is deep like the ocean, sister-in-law.
Sister-in-law, may your bosom always be filled with happiness.


Sister-in-law, no one can steal your smile,
Sister-in-law, may no sorrow ever make you cry,
Sister-in-law, flowers of happiness bloom in such a way that
Not even a storm could shake them.


Her face is like the moon and she has a whole world of beauty,
Yes, she is my sister-in-law with whom my life is connected.


Forgive me if I ever hurt you,
What should I do sister-in-law, you sister-in-law should be more of a friend.


Sister-in-law, whether younger or older, is called sister-in-law,
The house runs through her, she is the leader of the house.


Final Word

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