Best 40+ Good Night Photo » Mixing Images

Best 40+ Good Night Photo

Hello friends, welcome to your website Mixing Images. Friends, today’s post is going to be very special because today we have brought for you – Good Night Photo, Beautiful Good Night Images For Whatsapp.


Best 40+ Good Night Photo


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Ghost Well – Bedtime Stories For Adults


Most of the people in Keshavpur village were cultivators. There were only two wells in the entire village, from which people used to get water. After some time a well in the village dried up completely. Now the people of the entire village depended on a single well for their water needs.

While filling water from another well, people felt that some ghost lives in the well. When the farmers of the village used to draw water from the well, they used to hear strange sounds. The wives of the farming men did not even come near the well out of fear. Slowly the word spread in the whole village that the well is haunted. Now no one used to go near the well at night.

Meanwhile, a child of the village got lost somewhere. When the child was not found even after searching a lot, some people went to the well to see the child. The people who reached there found the child dead inside the well. Now the water of one well got spoiled and all the farmers of the village were worried about how the other child died.

Everyone thought of digging a new well together one day. Within a few days everyone dug the well and water started coming in it. Now the people of the whole village used to draw water from the new well and all had stopped going towards the ghostly well. The elders were sensible, so they did not go around the well, but the children used to reach there often to play.

One day four-five children were playing near the haunted well, when one child fell into the well. Hearing his screams, the entire village ran to the haunted well. When he looked inside the well, he saw the child dead. Everyone asked the other children playing with that child, “What happened after all?”

The children said, “He went to see the water while playing and suddenly fell into the well.”

After this incident, the villagers immediately called a tantrik near the well. After reaching there, the tantrik recited many mantras, hearing which the ghost came in front of everyone. The tantrik asked him to leave the well using his knowledge.

The ghost refused to listen to the tantrik.

The tantrik asked, “Why won’t you go? Children are dying after coming here, so you have to go.

The ghost replied, “My whole family has been living in this well for years. I will not leave here at all. Having said this, the ghost went inside the well.

Now the tantrik said to the people of the village, “Cover the mouth of this well. By doing this, no accidents will happen.

On hearing this, the head of the village immediately got the work started. On the second day, a cover was completely made of sand and cement by putting a mesh on the mouth of the well and covered it. Now all the villagers started living happily. From that day no such incident happened in the village and people were freed from the fear of the ghostly well.

Lesson Learned From The Story: One should not give up in any problem. One way or the other, that problem can be overcome.


Fear Of Ghosts – Bedtime Stories For Adults


Abdul and some of his friends lived in a Peergarh village in Uttar Pradesh. One day, just like that, a ghost talk broke out among all of them. During this, Abdul said without fear that there is no such thing as a ghost. Then all the friends told him that if it is so, can you prove that you are not afraid of ghosts. He said, “Yes, of course.”

During this time such things were going on in the village that people see ghosts in the nearby cremation ground. Only then a friend said that it is okay, then you go to the cremation ground at night and come there after burying the nail. Then in the morning everyone will come together after seeing that nail. After this was decided, Abdul left for the cremation ground. The night was very dark because it was the day of Amavasya. While walking on the way, the thoughts of ghosts started roaming in Abdul’s mind. He was also feeling scared, but thinking that he would laugh in front of his friends, he kept moving forward and reached the cremation ground.

As soon as he reached there, Abdul took out a hammer from his pocket to drive the nail and slowly started driving the nail into the ground. In order not to make too much noise, Abdul was burying the nail quite comfortably. After some time he felt that someone was pulling his shirt. His whole body got cold and he fainted and fell down.

Then his friends reached the crematorium chasing Abdul and took him to the village. When Abdul did not regain consciousness for a long time, water was sprinkled on him. Abdul regained consciousness in the same way and told that he had buried the nail in the crematorium, but then someone started pulling his kurta, which scared him.

Friends told Abdul that no one was pulling his kurta. Abdul asked, “So what happened?”

Then his friends told that the kurta was also buried under the nail he was burying in the ground. That’s why he felt that someone was pulling his shirt. Ashamed of his fear, Abdul apologized to his friends, but all his friends applauded his courage.

Moral Of The Story: The more you fear, the more fear will scare you.


Final Word

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